Liga dos Campeões Times 5 estrelas de fifa 17

- Português

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public subscription
Round-robin + Knockouts
0/9 , 0/9
Any player can subscribe, but the administrator must approve
Only the administrator informs the results of matches


On first stage, each of the competitors faces everyone else. The best ranked teams qualify for knockouts.
Double Match, on single group, classified 4 of each group
Best x Worst [1] (Group of "best" against the "worst". The group of "best" is composed of the top finishers in each group (re-ordered by ranking), ditto for the group of "worst" (the second placed). Mounting the brackets: first of the "best" x last of the "worst", etc ... .In this case there must be exactly 2 sorted by each group.)
Knockouts: Double Match Final Match: Double Match Third place match: Yes Tiebreaker by away goals: No

Additional informations

campeonato por pontos corridos ida e volta, onde se classificam para o mata mata os 4 primeiros. Na fase do mata-mata o confronto será entre o primeiro colocado e o quarto , segundo colocado contra o terceiro colocado(melhor x pior) o time melhor terá vantagem de empate no placar agregado. A final também terá a vantagem do primeiro colocado da primeira fase no placar agragado.

Players registered

# Player Group G
No subscribed players.

Teams for drafting

# Team Group G
No subscribed teams.
awaiting confirmation of the guest player
awaiting administrator approval
confirmed enrollment
 G : Group

Created on 05/Jul/2017