Liga Jorisclado

- Português
 Xbox One

Sign in to subscribe

public subscription
1/20 , 20/20
Any player can subscribe, but the administrator must approve
Only the administrator informs the results of matches


Each of the competitors faces everyone else. In the end, the one who gets the most points is the champion.
Double Match

Additional informations

11 965417624
as regras estão em andamento

Players registered

# Player
1 - WenderR9 -

Teams for drafting

# Team
1 - Alemanha
2 - Argentina
3 - Arsenal
4 - Atlético Madrid
5 - Barcelona
6 - Bayern Munchen
7 - Bélgica
8 - Borussia Dortmund
9 - Chelsea
10 - Espanha
11 - França
12 - Internazionale
13 - Juventus
14 - Liverpool
15 - Manchester City
16 - Manchester United
17 - Napoli
18 - PSG
19 - Real Madrid
20 - Tottenham Hotspur
awaiting confirmation of the guest player
awaiting administrator approval
confirmed enrollment
 G : Group

Created on 10/Jul/2020