eFootball 2025


- Português

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public subscription
Groups + Knockouts
Any player can subscribe, but the administrator must approve
In addition to the administrator , registered players can also report the results of their matches


The teams are divided into groups and they face each other. Only the best teams from each group move on to the finals.
Single Match, teams divided into 8 groups, classified 4 of each group
Best x Worst [2] (Considering the general classification, including all groups. The system organizes by ranking order all in each group and assembles the brackets: first general x last general second general x general penultimate.)
Knockouts: Double Match Final Match: Single Match Third place match: No Tiebreaker by away goals: No

Additional informations

The administrator of this tournament did not include additional information.

Teams registered

# Team Group G Player
1 - Black Eagle # andershow - - Anderson_wieyra
2 - Black Eagle # BrunoDiFaria - - Brunofaria
3 - Black Eagle # Erick - - Black_eagle_Erick
4 - Black Eagle # IgorDiegoo - - Igordiegoo10
5 - Black Eagle # jeanlima20 - - Jeanlima2020
6 - Black Eagle # LZAO77 - - Lukasconca12
7 - Black Eagle # Rafis - - rafis_
8 - Black Eagle #Relax>< - - ocaique10
9 - Black Eagle Eduardo Ce - - Eduardo_CE
10 - Black Eagle Tubarão - - TUBARAODAGB
11 - Los bandoleros - - Miguelzad
12 - Los bandoleros - - Hector-pinheiro
13 - Los bandoleros - - Milhenri
14 - Los bandoleros - - Peledosexo
15 - Los bandoleros - - Wellington150120
16 - LOS PIRATAS - - LosPiratasBruno
17 - LOSPIRATA#BAURU-SP - - Bauruzao_014
18 - LOSPIRATAS#Felps22_fut - - Felps22_fut
19 - LOSPIRATAS#LUCAS - - Lucas52
21 - LOSPIRATAS#M100605 - - M100605
22 - LOSPIRATAS#Monaco - - sislacarvalho
24 - MAGNATAS_FC - - KappaAlagoano9
25 - MAGNATAS_FC - - Raphaeldebruyne
26 - MAGNATAS_FC#JEFFSHOW - - Jeffshow25
27 - MAGNATAS_FC#Uil - - UilMasterPA
28 - Novaera_du mal - - Lc_Du_Mal
29 - Ñøværa<> Everton - - Emarmitt
30 - Ñøværa<> vinicius - - viniciuscastro
31 - Ñøværa<>0011 - - 0011
32 - Ñøværa<>007 - - JOAOPAULO12
33 - Ñøværa<>Diieegoo - - Dieguitto95
34 - Ñøværa<>TomaJack - - Fabricioooo7
35 - Ñøværa<>Wp - - Werlipro9
36 - Palmeiras - - douglasclaudin01
37 - Redblack - - RedBlackSID
38 - Redblack - - Flamengo313
39 - Redblack - - rafael_careca9
40 - Redblack - - RedBlackZico
41 - Redblack - - Chrismar07
42 - Redblack - - htfla222
43 - Redblack Mateus - - Mateus_Columb
44 - Redblack# EL_Kássio - - EL_KASSIO
45 - Tröpä do FÜT - - Dgomes77
46 - Tröpä do FÜT - - Gugu_imbatival
47 - Tröpä do FÜT - - Speed-pk10
48 - Tröpä Dö FÜT - - Jamfriovix
49 - Tröpä do FÜT - - Juniorferrer007
50 - Tröpä do FÜT - - daviantonio
51 - Tröpä do FÜT - - Jcaio10
52 - Tröpä do FÜT - - ELITE-_-Zika-
53 - Tröpä do FÜT Tubarão - - tropatubarao
54 - Vikings # chris - - Chris7665---
55 - Vikings # Fernando - - Newgate0102
56 - Vikings # Guedes - - Rg87
57 - Vikings # Luan - - Batata1425
58 - Vikings # Neném - - Nenem_11
59 - Vikings # Saulo - - IvarVikings
60 - Vikings Andrade - - Jpandrade-12
61 - Vikings Dickson - - Di_ckson
62 - Vikings#WSOUZA - - Ninjatfueww
63 - Vinkings#Davi/Apaisana - - Apaisanaslz
awaiting confirmation of the guest player
awaiting administrator approval
confirmed enrollment
 G : Group

Created on 17/Feb/2025