Liga de Naciones de la AFC

- Español

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closed registration
Groups + Knockouts
Any player can subscribe, but the administrator must approve
Only the administrator informs the results of matches


The teams are divided into groups and they face each other. Only the best teams from each group move on to the finals.
Double Match, teams divided into 2 groups, classified 1 of each group
Random (The brackets are mounted at random, independent of groups of ranked teams.)
Knockouts: Double Match Final Match: Double Match Third place match: No Tiebreaker by away goals: No

Additional informations

The administrator of this tournament did not include additional information.

Teams registered

# Team Group G Player
1 - Afganistan
2 - Arábia Saudita
3 - Armenia
4 - Bangladés
5 - Barein
6 - Birmania
7 - Brunei
8 - Camboya
9 - China
10 - Coréia do Norte
11 - Coréia do Sul
12 - Coréia do Sul - - Nandogarcial
13 - Emirados Árabes
14 - Filipinas
15 - Hong Kong
16 - Índia
17 - Indonésia
18 - Irã
19 - Iraque
20 - Israel
21 - Japão
22 - Jordânia
23 - Kuwait
24 - Laos
25 - Líbano
26 - Malasia
27 - Mongolia
28 - Omã
29 - Pakistan
30 - Palestina
31 - Qatar
32 - Singapur
33 - Siria
34 - Tailândia
35 - Taiwan
36 - Tayikistán
37 - Turkmenistán
38 - Uzbequistão
39 - Vietnan
40 - Yemen
awaiting confirmation of the guest player
awaiting administrator approval
confirmed enrollment
 G : Group

Created on 11/Jul/2019