
Copa Eldorado Arena Impulso

- Português

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Groups + Knockouts
0/32 , 32/32
Only the administrator can subscribe teams
Only the administrator informs the results of matches


The teams are divided into groups and they face each other. Only the best teams from each group move on to the finals.
Single Match, teams divided into 8 groups, classified 2 of each group
Random (The brackets are mounted at random, independent of groups of ranked teams.)
Knockouts: Single Match Final Match: Single Match Third place match: Yes Tiebreaker by away goals: No

Additional informations

The administrator of this tournament did not include additional information.

Players registered

# Player Group G
No subscribed players.

Teams for drafting

# Team Group G
1 - ABC Celulares A
2 - Montreal A
3 - NF União Alvorada A
4 - Reitran A
5 - Cordisburgo B
6 - Dallas Golo B
7 - Ex. Progresso B
8 - Industrial Layla Agua e Gas B
9 - CAP C
10 - Independente de Pompeu C
11 - Inter Eldorado C
12 - Sertanejo C
13 - Garimpeiro D
14 - N-Sports Sidão D
15 - São Sebastião das Pindaíbas D
16 - União do Morro D
17 - Ideal E
18 - Líder Automoveis/ Lontra E
19 - Paraopeba E
20 - União Progresso WBRFIT E
21 - AFP F
22 - Curiango F
23 - Operario F
24 - Santa Helena F
25 - 1 G
26 - 2 G
27 - 3 G
28 - 4 G
29 - 5 H
30 - 6 H
31 - 7 H
32 - 8 H
awaiting confirmation of the guest player
awaiting administrator approval
confirmed enrollment
 G : Group

Created on 19/Dec/2019