Torneio de FIFA - do Mês de Fevereiro 2019

- Português

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closed registration
Groups + Knockouts
Any player can subscribe, but the administrator must approve
Only the administrator informs the results of matches


The teams are divided into groups and they face each other. Only the best teams from each group move on to the finals.
Single Match, teams divided into 2 groups, classified 2 of each group
Grupo A x B, C x D ... (World Cup Style. In this case there must be exactly 2 ranked team by each group)
Knockouts: Single Match Final Match: Single Match Third place match: Yes Tiebreaker by away goals: No

Additional informations

Torneio de (FIFA 19 - PS4)
Da Locadora Coxa Games
Quinta-Feira dia 31/01/2019
Regras do Game:
O não conhecimento das regras NÃO exime, nem redime o jogador de culpa pelos seus atos, muito pelo contrário, o mesmo será cobrado quanto a elas para o bom andamento do campeonato.
Importante ler o Regulamento:
A parti do momento que você jogar, automaticamente você estará concordando co ...

Teams registered

# Team Group G Player
1 - Barcelona - - viniciuscaldas
2 - Borussia Dortmund - - Fhehu1217
3 - Coxagames - - Gabriel_Dexter
4 - Coxagames - - Luiz_Alencar
5 - Coxagames - - Coxa
6 - Coxagames - - Carlim_Silva
7 - Coxagames - - Fco_Guilherme
8 - Coxagames - - Adrian_rodrigues
9 - Coxagames - - Jozias_Caio
10 - Fortaleza - - BIJU_
11 - Fortaleza - - Frede_Tomas
12 - Juventus - - delzinho2011
13 - Juventus - - gugsaba
14 - Liverpool - - Tuabula
15 - Liverpool - - Xande1010
16 - Manchester City - - victorvaas09
17 - Napoli - - Savio_Macedo
18 - Real Madrid - - Thiago13
19 - Real Madrid - - Thiaguinhoshow23
20 - Real Madrid - - Theusmito23
awaiting confirmation of the guest player
awaiting administrator approval
confirmed enrollment
 G : Group

Created on 23/Feb/2019