Campeonato dos Mitos

- Português

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public subscription
Groups + Knockouts
Any player can subscribe, but the administrator must approve
In addition to the administrator , registered players can also report the results of their matches


The teams are divided into groups and they face each other. Only the best teams from each group move on to the finals.
Single Match, teams divided into 4 groups, classified 2 of each group
Grupo A x B, C x D ... (World Cup Style. In this case there must be exactly 2 ranked team by each group)
Knockouts: Double Match Final Match: Double Match Third place match: Yes Tiebreaker by away goals: No

Additional informations

O total arrecadado foi 160k, más com os 5% da EA, o arrecadado ficou 152k

Sendo assim as Premiações ficarão: 1° colocado 90k, 2° colocado 40k e o 3° colocado 22k


* não pode usar jogador por empréstimo
* não pode usar recurso de aumento (ítens de treino)
* não pode fazer jogo sujo (ficar tocando a bola na defesa para passar o tempo)
* se a conexão estiver com lag, c ...

Teams registered

# Team Group G Player
1 - Barcelona - - Fabiocruz10c
2 - Flamengo - - VINNY_NIGHT
3 - Manchester City - - ARROW_BRASIL-16
4 - Manchester City - - Piratas_ANJ0XINH00
5 - Real Madrid - - joaostrapa
awaiting confirmation of the guest player
awaiting administrator approval
confirmed enrollment
 G : Group

Created on 14/Apr/2018