Liga dos Manos 2 ª Temporada PS3

- Português

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public subscription
Round-robin + Knockouts
Any player can subscribe, but the administrator must approve
Only the administrator informs the results of matches


On first stage, each of the competitors faces everyone else. The best ranked teams qualify for knockouts.
Single Match, on single group, classified 8 of each group
Random (The brackets are mounted at random, independent of groups of ranked teams.)
Knockouts: Double Match Final Match: Double Match Third place match: Yes Tiebreaker by away goals: Yes

Additional informations

O torneio será disputado em 2 fase de pontos corridos e mata-mata.
Classificam-se os 8 primeiros
As fases seguintes serão realizadas por sorteio


O valor da inscrição é de R$ 10,00 e deverá ser feita em até 3 dias antes do início do campeonato, por meio de depósito na conta bancária abaixo:

Banco Bradesco
Ag: 0087
C/C: 0188938-9
Anderson B Coelho

O comprovant ...

Teams registered

# Team Group G Player
1 - Barcelona - - MarcosVelloso
2 - Barcelona - - murilogjb
3 - Barcelona - - xFrusciante
4 - Bayern Munchen - - Wiilsiilva
5 - Bayern Munchen - - flauber_177
6 - Bélgica - - diego1983
7 - Chelsea - - Dennisrlage
8 - Manchester City - - andersonBCOELHO
9 - Manchester City - - Buh
10 - Porto - - LittleGunPowde
11 - PSG - - Zoiaoofcbolado
12 - Real Madrid - - bahiashow
13 - Real Madrid - - Biju
awaiting confirmation of the guest player
awaiting administrator approval
confirmed enrollment
 G : Group

Created on 15/Oct/2015