Liga Europea Clubes

Finished draw. Waiting for the administrator to start the tournament.

The administrator drafted all at once. Waiting for the administrator to start the tournament.

Team Group G Player
- Arsenal
Campoz Ezequiel
A Campoz Ezequiel
- Atlético Madrid
Bryan Diaz
A Bryan Diaz
- Barcelona
Jesus Lopez
A Jesus Lopez
- Bayern Munchen
Kevin Benitez
A Kevin Benitez
- Chelsea
Alejandro Sanchez
A Alejandro Sanchez
- Internazionale
Juan Morales
A Juan Morales
- Juventus
Alexis Agudelo
A Alexis Agudelo
- Liverpool
Marcelo Bombaloff
A Marcelo Bombaloff
- Manchester City
Chico Churro
A Chico Churro
- Manchester United
Orlanditho de Sofia
A Orlanditho de Sofia
- Napoli
Edwin Zepeda
A Edwin Zepeda
Carlos Artiga
A Carlos Artiga
- Real Madrid
Juan Castellanos
A Juan Castellanos
- Tottenham Hotspur
Gabriel Rivera
A Gabriel Rivera