Times Livres United

- Português

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public subscription
Any player can subscribe, but the administrator must approve
In addition to the administrator , registered players can also report the results of their matches


The teams play in the knockout scheme. There is no groups stage.
Knockouts: Single Match Final Match: Single Match Third place match: No Tiebreaker by away goals: No

Additional informations

REGRAS DA COMPETIÇÃO (Leia atentamente e até o final)

Tempo: 6 minutos
Tipo de controle: SEMI
Defesa: TÁTICA
Elencos: ON LINE
Velocidade: Normal

FÓRMULA DE DISPUTA: Mata-Mata jogo único


§Parágrafo único

O não conhecimento das regras NÃO exime, nem redime, o jogador de culpa pelos seu ...

Teams registered

# Team Player
1 - Barcelona - JPmengao2017
2 - Barcelona - pixako
3 - Bay - Xicomarley
4 - Bayern Munchen - JANILSON_SS
5 - Bayern Munchen - dudupml04
6 - Chelsea - mf7128
7 - Juventus - Vasquez
8 - Lyon - Viniciuszn124r
9 - PSG - Castello1739
10 - Real Madrid - pedrinho45
11 - Real Madrid - Dragon_89
12 - Real Madrid - Joaquim511
13 - saldanha30 - saldanha30
awaiting confirmation of the guest player
awaiting administrator approval
confirmed enrollment
 G : Group

Created on 28/Jun/2017